Are you playing to win or not lose?

I just completed the first 30 hours of my 48-hour drive from Hollywood to Disney World.

If you haven’t read my posts lately, I’m in the middle of moving one of my offices from Los Angeles to Orlando.

My home and business are based in Indiana, and I arrived here at 1 a.m. this morning. I’ll hit the road again this weekend. I’m looking forward to that trip because my oldest son is home from college and coming with me. Yay!

Two years ago, after the pandemic tried to wipe out my business, I made a courageous (or crazy) decision to head west to create new opportunities.

I accomplished that mission, yet it was one of the most stressful experiences of my life. If things could go wrong, they did, and it felt like I was always climbing uphill.

But that climb made me stronger. Now, it feels like I can do anything. I felt that way before, but not like this because I’d never leaped that far out of my comfort zone, which is saying a lot because I’m always pushing limits.

It took 16 hours to sell, donate, throw away, and clean the office space in LA. It’s astounding how much stuff is accumulated in two years.

Exhausted from climbing a staircase all day, I slept on an air mattress in the middle of an empty office for a few hours and then hit the road at 4 am for my 30-hour drive.

My dog, Spot, drove to LA with me and was my faithful companion on the road trip home.

While driving yesterday, I turned 54 years old. That means I may only have 20–30 years left on this planet.

That thought made me glad that I’m again “playing to win” by opening a new location in Orlando. We have family there, and it’s closer to my corporate clients in Indiana than California was. Plus, we are fans of “the mouse,” and my wife and I can rekindle our relationship at the parks now that are kids are mostly independant.

Any big change, including moving across the country (again) can be stressful, scary, and expensive. Yet, if you don’t make bold moves, you won’t grow and thrive in the way you could.

I spent much of my younger years “playing not to lose.” I was always on the defense trying to survive and not get hurt. But you don’t win games only playing good defense. You score by playing offense and that means you’ve got to take smart, calculated risks and then do your damndest to make those decisions right.

Almost every time a new student joins my business growth or One Belief Away Certification program, I receive an email a couple of days later from them stating they are excited but also worried sick over whether they made the right choice.

And each time, I respond compassionately and encouragingly because I know how they are feeling. Yet, I’m also very proud of these brave souls and excited for them because they are making bold moves of their own and that’s why they will triumph as well.

They are taking the road less traveled and playing offensive in their businesses and lives, and that’s HOW YOU WIN!

P.S. If you are currently roadtripping through a storm, remember there is sunshine just on the other side!

*If you need help weathering a storm, schedule a FREE hypnosis telephone consultation today: