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Generational Wounds

My family and I flew to Indiana this past week to help my father-in-law pack up his house.

After my wife’s mom passed, my father-in-law, Denny, decided that he could no longer stay in that home, so he sold it and is moving to Florida.

Before we arrived, one of Denny’s friends, since the age of 20, came to give him a head start.

So my son, who’s 15 years old, got to hang out all week with two men in their late 70s, and it was great.

Those two guys are workhorses and always cracking jokes!

They were the first ones up and the last ones to go to bed, and rarely did they stop moving, even though Denny’s friend had two heart attacks over the past few years.

His friend told me, “The doctors say I have a bad heart so they want me to take it easy. I think it’s better that I exercise it.”

And that’s what he did, regardless of what anyone told him.

Their work ethic is something you don’t see as much these days, and they weren’t interested in praise. In fact, they seemed uncomfortable with it.

This was a valuable experience, in spite of how horribly sad it was, because I noticed how many limiting beliefs came out of the post-World War II generation.

I’ve worked incredibly hard to upgrade my mindset, awareness, behaviors, and habits so that I did not remain the kind of person I started out as.

Yet, this last week was like stepping back in time but with all the knowledge of belief patterns I’ve acquired over the years.

For example, the home sale was going smoothly, but if we ever brought it up, the old-timers would sit back in their chairs and, in unison, say, “Oh no, what are you trying to jinx it?”

I learned from Napoleon Hill that you must state what you want for it to happen.

Yet, that generation held the belief that you must keep expectations low so you’re not disappointed when it doesn’t work out.

Frugality was also the golden rule, which is why so many of us have issues with money these days.

The home was on a lake, and the water quality wasn’t that great, so we bought a case of bottled water.

Our dog was thirsty, so my son opened a bottle of water and poured it into a dog dish, and Denny’s friend almost had his third heart attack.

He said, “What’s wrong with the water out of the tap? I’m drinking it.”

When you hang out with as many people as I have, listening to their most painful memories, it becomes obvious why there is so much anxiety and unhappiness today, even when we have more wealth and modern advances than ever before in history.

Generations of limiting beliefs, superstitions, and cautionary tales have been passed through the timelines that caused grandparents, parents, and children to behave in ways that continually sabotage happiness, emotional maturity, and inner peace.

However, we are turning a corner in human history, and the One Belief Away™ Method is going to help millions of people end the cycle of needless emotional suffering for themselves and their families.

Thus, I’m calling for those who have the desire to be a part of this mission to join me by becoming a One Belief Away™ Hypnotist or One Belief Away™ Coach (it’s the same thing, but some people like the word hypnosis and others don’t).

Also, if you are already in the “people-helping” business: therapist, life coach, wellness expert, business consultant, etc., I strongly encourage you to become Certified in my One Belief Away™ Method so I can help you significantly elevate your client’s results while helping you build a more lucrative practice.

I firmly believe the more wealth you create, the more impact you can have, so I’m committed to helping people build 6 and 7-figure practices.

During my Practice Acceleration Master Class, I’ll be sharing what’s working now and how I’ve run a 6 figure practice without spending a dime on advertising over the last few years.

The event is free, online (zoom), and will be packed with inspiring content and tips you can use immediately to grow your business if you already have one.

Even if you’re not in the coaching or counseling profession, you’ll benefit tremendously from attending as I’ll be sharing tips and insights gained from all my experience as a 28-year business owner, Fortune 500 consultant, and working with numerous top-performing industry leaders.

I have 500 people on my list right now who have raised their hand (by clicking on one of my links) over the last year that said they are interested in learning more about my OBA (One Belief Away) Certification.

If one of those people is YOU, make sure to attend the WWN Practice Accelerator Master Class. It will be the first step in preparing you for a journey of a lifetime!

🙂 Tim Shurr, MA

Certified OBA Hypnotist

PS, Learn more here and be a DOER!