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How To Free Yourself From Compulsive Behavior

“I’m not sure if you can help, but we are desperate. I have an 11-year-old son who pulls at his eyelashes when he gets nervous. It got so bad last year that he pulled all his eyelashes out, and the kids at school teased him relentlessly.

Now he’s having trouble going to school, and it’s really affecting his self-esteem. We’ve tried taking him to a therapist, but that didn’t help, and the doctor just wanted to medicate him. But I’m not comfortable with that.

So I got online to search for alternative approaches, and your name came up. I read several of your reviews, and you’ve helped people with lots of different issues like this. Do you think you can help my son?”

The mind is mighty, and over the last several decades, pioneers like Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Fritz Perls, Milton Erickson, and Virginia Satir have given us a keen understanding of how the brain creates our subjective realities.

I’ve been studying their work for 34 years and have applied their insights and strategies in over 15,000+ coaching sessions to find the precise formulas for changing habits and belief systems.

As a result of all that experience, when that desperate mom called asking if I could help her son, I confidently replied yes.

One week after our first 30-minute session, the mom and her son happily reported that he had not touched his eyelashes “not even one single time!”

They were ecstatic with the positive outcomes, and the boy’s self-esteem continues to grow stronger as he learns how to shift and redirect the urges if they resurface.

I’ve freed many people from trichotillomania (the nervous habit of pulling out one’s hair on the head and body) over the years.

Sometimes, women came in wearing wigs because they had pulled out every hair on their heads!

Traditional counseling (talking about your problems), cognitive behavioral therapy (advanced positive thinking), and behavior modification techniques do an unsatisfactory job of alleviating compulsive behavior.

You might then wonder what I did to free that young boy from his terrible pulling habit.

I applied the One Belief Away™ method.

First, we hypnotically took him back to the first time he pulled at his eyelashes.

When I asked how old he was then, the boy replied, “I’m seven.”

It was fascinating watching an eleven-year-old float back to when he was seven so he could give himself the love, comfort, and resources he did not possess at the time.

Once we “healed” up that driving emotional wound from his past, I helped his brain diffuse the urge to pull at his eyelashes by changing the submodalities and doing the “throw-away.”

He imagined the urge to pull as a “green circle” on his eyelashes.

Then I had him grab that green circle, remove it from his eyes, and throw it on the ground.

As I watched him do this, his body noticeably relaxed.

Then I asked him what happened, and he said, “the green fell on the floor and melted away.”

Over the next week, he practiced throwing away that green feeling, although he reported that it was only necessary a couple of times.

It’s been three weeks since our last session, and he continues to remain “pull-free,” which his family says is a miracle.

But it’s not a miracle, it’s brain science, and anyone can learn how to use the power of their mind to create their life by design!

Every day, I teach people how to free themselves from what holds them back so they can live a happier, healthier, and wealthier lifestyle.

I’m also Certifying others to use my One Belief Away™ method.

It will revolutionize the personal development industry when people realize how much more effective and advanced this approach is compared to traditional coaching, counseling, social work, and psychiatry.

There is no longer any reason to remain stuck/blocked/haunted by the past, frozen in the present, or fearful of the future.

Regardless of the challenge, trauma, bad habit, or desire, you can experience inspiring results in a short amount of time that will alter your destiny and provide you with a life you love living each day.

This year, I’m grateful for the gift of being able to free hundreds of clients from self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors.

It makes me shudder to think how their lives may have turned out if we hadn’t met.

So here’s to finishing this year strong, creating magic in your daily lives, and making 2023 one of your best years.

🙂 Tim Shurr, MA

OBA Mindset Coach

PS, Have you enrolled in my Millionaire Monday group yet?

I’ve started an online gathering where you can hang out with like-minded, high-performing people who are excited about making their lives happier, healthier, and wealthier! We meet for an hour twice per month to share ideas, get feedback, and receive support and encouragement. The first meeting is only $5, and you can enroll here!