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New Year’s Resolutions

3 Tips for Making your New Year’s Resolutions Stick in 2021


new year means a new beginning. A fresh start. An opportunity to assess where you are at and where you wish to be. If your goal this year is to lose weight, quit smoking, spend less, make more time for family, or pass on that extra glass of wine, the following tips will help you succeed for longer than two weeks!

TIP 1: Take “baby steps” rather than jumping in like gangbusters. If you haven’t exercised in five years, running on a treadmill for 45 minutes tomorrow will ensure you are sore enough to not want to exercise for another five years. Instead, start out with 10 minutes while listening to upbeat music. Then celebrate for achieving your goal! All BIG goals are attained by accomplishing tons of little goals!

TIP 2: Stay relaxed and don’t turn your bad habits into enemies. When you fear something you give it power. Instead, take pressure off and discover fun, relaxing ways to accomplish your baby steps. If the chocolate cake is taunting you, dump ketchup on it. Then smile about your victory!

TIP 3: Try something new for the next 30 days (in a row). You can do anything for thirty days and if you decide that after this amount of time, you don’t like the changes, return back. The idea that “this isn’t forever” seems to take the pressure off. One of our clients, Dan, dropped over 40 lbs because he decided bread was trying to kill him! He cut bread out for one month and felt great. He does eat some bread now, but not much, and he feels great!

For more on this subject, watch the segment I did for Wish TV. See below!

This is your chance to make 2013 extra special! Let us know how we can help you…

“Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” -Oprah Winfrey